Private Wealth Services

Income Tax Planning

Staying on top of changes in state, federal, corporate and other taxes is a massive undertaking. We draw on our deep accounting roots to deliver a proactive approach for best structuring your holdings to retain their greatest value.


Income Tax Review Summary

By looking at all tax returns in concert—personal, trusts, business—we paint a clear picture of what’s working and what could be done better. We compare marginal tax brackets and effective tax rates, and incomes from all businesses and portfolios.

Income Tax Mitigation Analysis and Strategies

After our review, we use our experience and what we learned about your family vision to recommend strategies that mitigate your tax liability over time.

Change in residency (Domestic or International)

The tax implications are obvious; the steps necessary to make the changes are not as clear. We’ll help you sort through them.

Intra-family Loan Structuring and Tracking

Direct gifting is one way to reduce large fortunes but is limited by regulations; intra-family loans are another way, but they must be structured to conform to current tax laws.

Coordination of Investment Portfolio with Entity Ownership

Just as we structure investment locations when recommending an investment strategy, we assess the tax implications of entities currently owned or about to be purchased or sold—from businesses to real estate—in light of your total portfolio.

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We believe the most successful wealth strategies are achieved through the collaboration of a team of individuals. Learn how our integrated, coordinated approach can simplify your wealth.

Simplify Your Wealth

We believe the most successful wealth strategies are achieved through the collaboration of a team of individuals. Learn how our integrated, coordinated approach can simplify your wealth.

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