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Waldron Private Wealth at The Big House

Waldron Employees at University of Michigan event

On October 13th, Waldron hosted our clients and other friends of the firm to an unforgettable evening at Michigan University Football Stadium in Ann Arbor.  Our guests were treated to a 50-yard line view of the Wolverines field along with amazing food and beverages.  We then took to the field and locker room, where folks could throw some footballs, try their best attempt at field goal kicks and take pictures of their favorite player’s locker.  The energy and camaraderie on the field was palpable as people channeled their inner teenage athlete and college football fan. 

Our team did an awesome job of networking and delivering the Waldron experience of excellence.  We deepened our relationships with existing clients and created new ones with newer friends of the firm.

Everyone left with a lasting impression of what places Waldron ahead of others. 

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