
Strategies to help your children build great credit

Strategies to help your children build great credit

The importance of having good credit reaches far beyond the ability to buy a car.

Good credit will allow you to rent an apartment, open a credit card account with a premium rewards program, or simply open a cell phone or cable account. Without it, you will likely have to pay a security deposit just to turn the lights on, if providers are willing to set up an account at all. It’s also become common practice for potential employers to review a job applicant’s credit history as part of the hiring process.

Having good credit is essential for anyone who wishes to establish an independent life. Fortunately, there are a number of ways parents can help their children establish good credit. There are also methods one can employ to establish and build good credit without any assistance.

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About the Author

Samantha Spitzer Sheetz, CFP® specializes in financial analysis, estate planning, tax planning, and divorce planning. She enjoys building long-term relationships with clients through wealth planning.

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